Why Is Wenatchee's Market So Hot? Part 3: The Big Business Opportunity

In part 3 of Why Is Wenatchee's Market So Hot?, I'll share two articles that give insight into why a handful of multi-billion dollar technology companies have selected Wenatchee and North Central Washington as the next hot areas for growth. Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Intuit, Sabey Corp ring a bell!

These are of course in addition to the Walmart's, Macy's, Starbuck's (on every corner), Costco, and many other blue chip retail businesses who scoped out the Wenatchee and surrounding areas a few years back, and are now their niche's respective leaders thanks to their research and due dilligence before the news about these emerging markets got out. I guess the multi-million dollar budgets these companies allocate toward demographic research really does pay off!

San Antonio Express News (January 20, 2007 - http://www.mysanantonio.com/business/stories/MYSA012007.01D.Data_Cluster.13cd88f.html) regarding Microsoft's (and other large technology companies) recent move to Quincy, WA (just 20-30 minutes from Wenatchee).

Wenatchee World (January 7, 2007 - http://www.wenworld.com/sub/story.php?id=1168111650-158-491) regarding Sabey Corp's $100 million dollar data center in East Wenatchee.

Can you say jobs, growth, new housing, growth, new homes, growth, huge investment opportunity, growth!?!?!?!

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