There are so many details to handle as your prepare for a move. It can seem like a daunting task. This checklist will help you manage the process and not forget anything. The Davidson Team is always a phone call or email away if you have any questions...we're happy to help!
* Order a moving van and make sure you have a firm bid in writing.
* Call utility companies, including telephone and cable, to cancel current services and sign up for services in your new home.
* Obtain a referral for doctors, dentists, and specialists if you are moving out of the area.
* Collect medical records for family members and pets and carry these with you.
* Have any necessary prescriptions filled and carry them with you.
* Arrange for pets, including their travel containers, immunization records, and so on.
* Transfer checking and savings accounts. Empty safe-deposit boxes and carry the contents with you.
* Dispose of flammables and other hazardous materials.
* Moisten plants before packing.
* Back up your computer files and pack CDs in their cases.
* Drain fuel from lawnmowers and other equipment. Drain water hoses.
* Have the car serviced for the trip and check that proof of insurance is in the car.
* Pack a "first night" box with coffee, bedding, household cleaners, toothpaste and toothbrush, pet food, and other essentials that you expect to need upon arrival.
* Conduct a last-minute walk-through. Check drawers, closets, the basement, and the garage.
* Make sure everything is turned off and locked up.
We hope this helps you organize your move to ensure you have everything you need. Please don't hesitate to call or email The Davidson if you have any questions or would like additional information.
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