5 Smart Steps for Lowering Home Energy Costs

As the price of energy continues to rise, so too does the importance of using it efficiently in your home.

Increasing your home's energy efficiency doesn't cost a lot and the financial savings can add up quickly. Plus, when you decide to sell, the resulting lower utility costs give you a marketing advantage with today's savvy buyers.

Take these 5 steps to make your home more efficient:

1. Replace your old thermostat with a new programmable digital model.
2. Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs).
3. Replace the seal around your refrigerator and freezer doors.
4. Get a furnace tune-up and replace the filter every three months.
5. Install a ceiling fan to circulate warm air from the top of a room down to the bottom.

Many utility companies offer free energy audits that show you where your home is wasting the most energy. The audit pinpoints areas for home improvement.

Please call or send us an email if we can provide more tips for home maintenance. If you are considering selling, an energy efficient home is an added selling feature. Let us know how we can help you with any of your real estate needs.

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