Can You Pass The Safety Test?

Sometimes we get so busy with work, deadlines, soccer practice, dinner, household chores that we forget to take care of a few common sense safety items that can make a big difference when it counts.

Take a few moments this weekend and check that your house passes the following Safety Test:

Passing the Homeowner Safety Test

• Replace the batteries in all the smoke detectors in the house. Record the date in your calendar so you will remember to do the same thing next year!

• Unless your heating/air units are new, have the vents and filters cleaned or replaced.

• Create a fire-hazard plan with your family and conduct a practice drill with the children.

• Replace or clean the exhaust hood filter above the range.

• Check all your electric outlets for loose-fitting plugs, as these can pose a fire hazard. These outlets are inexpensive and fairly easy to replace.

• Have the fireplace chimney cleaned. While you are at it go ahead and install a rain cap and a screen to keep the birds out of your chimney.

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We hope these tips help you enjoy your home and ensure your safety!

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