Dos and Don'ts of Watering Your Lawn

The start of the warm season has definitely started as marked by yesterday's beautiful 70 degree day. We love this season in North Central Washington because of all the recreational activities in the nearby hills, mountains, lakes and rivers.

Another joy of the warm season if you are a homeowner is getting to sit back and admire that lovely emerald green stretch of lawn in your front yard. Of course, before you sit back and admire you have to bend over and use a little elbow grease.

Some people work harder than they have to in order to have a beautiful lawn. Grass is pretty tough. If you give it the right growing conditions your grass will defend itself from most weeds and diseases. One of the main mistakes people make is when and how to water the lawn. Here are some watering tips that will help your lawn be strong and healthy.

• DO water every 5-6 days during the warm season.
• DO water early in the morning.
• DO set sprinkler water spray close to the ground, not in high arcs.
• DO soak the area for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
• DON'T water during the heat of the day (you lose 1/3 of the water to evaporation).
• DON'T over-water as you will lose nutrients and encourage rot and disease.
• DON'T water too frequently, as it encourages shallow roots and weak grass.

If you have any questions about selling or buying a home, please feel free to contact The Davidson Team at any time.

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