Home Selling Strategies

The key to selling a home for the best possible price, and with the fewest number of hassles, is to attract as many potential buyers to the property as possible. The following are tips that will help you reach your home selling goals:

- 1) It is critical that you make your home emotional and appealing. Home buyers purchase a residence based more on its emotional appeal than on any other single factor. To maximize your home selling profits, it must show very well. With the guidance of a real estate professional, your home should be made as emotionally appealing as possible.

- 2) To maximize your net selling proceeds; you must have an aggressive, well-organized marketing plan. Because there is a direct correlation between the number of potential buyers who view your home and its final selling price, you should do everything possible to access 100%+ of the available buyer pool. A great marketing plan is often designed to attract buyers from sources that most laymen don't even know exist. Click here http://www.wenatcheehouses.com/marketing_plan.php to view The Davidson Team's marketing strategy.

- 3) Quality advertising is critical to selling a home with minimal inconvenience and for the best possible price. Be sure your home is advertised in publications that maximize exposure and attract the greatest number of buyers. Finding these sources will require either experience or a substantial amount of research.

- 4) A well-recognized sign placed in front of a property can make a big difference in the benefits received by a home seller. The recognition and familiarity that come with a well-known real estate sign make a potential buyer more likely to view a property. And, as we have already discussed, more buyers usually mean a higher net for the seller. 17% of all homes that sell do so because of the sign in the front yard.

- 5) A unique and powerful strategy to help sell a home is to implement a Choose a Neighbor program. A neighboring homeowner may have a friend, relative or acquaintance that might be searching for a house. If these neighboring homeowners are made aware that a property is available, they often introduce the "For Sale" home to potential buyers.

- 6) An extremely professional informational and photo brochure should be created for your home. This brochure must feature top quality photos and an exclusive, detailed home description. A quality brochure is one of the most effective tools available to a home seller.

- 7) Open Houses should be held if the property is in a location that would make holding a home open appropriate, beneficial and convenient for the seller. The keys to a successful Open House are to display the home correctly, to have the proper signage and to market the event to as many potential buyers as possible. Follow-up with the people who attend the Open House is also critical.

- 8) Following-up with each potential buyer who has viewed a home is extremely important to home selling success. A homeowner must know what buyers and agents who have viewed the residence are thinking. When a seller becomes aware of problems that are keeping potential buyers from writing offers, he can make the needed corrections.

- 9) A home seller can increase the size of the buyer pool for his/her property by exposing it to as many worldwide referral networks as possible. These networks, usually established between professional real estate organizations, are an incredible source of potential buyers.

- 10) In today's world, where nearly 90%+ of all potential home buyers begin their property search on the Internet, it is important to have a "For Sale" property displayed on as many websites as possible. By doing so, a home will be exposed to many thousands of buyers; locally, nationally and internationally.

-11) Approximately 66% of all people who move from one home to another, do so within the same community in which they have been living. For this reason, it is often to a home seller's advantages to target market his property to homeowners who would view his home as a potential move-up residence. By doing so, the home seller can stimulate buyer interest from people who might otherwise never know the home is available.

- 12) The most important aspect of selling a home is to have it priced correctly. Homes that are priced correctly sell for the most money, with the fewest possible hassles. It is critical to thoroughly research what buyers have been willing to pay for like properties and to price the subject home accordingly. Overpriced homes, in the end, usually sell for less.

- 13) The majority of homes that sell do so through cooperation between two real estate agents. Because agents share information and expose their listings to other Realtors through the Multiple Listing Service, it is important that a home, to receive maximum buyer exposure, be listed in this cooperative system. Homes that are not listed in the MLS miss being exposed to thousands of buyers and, of course, fewer buyers usually mean a lower final sales price.

- 14) One of the keys to selling a home for the most profit is to make it convenient for potential buyers to view the property. Any access limitations discourage some buyers from viewing a home. It is critical that the residence be accessible at the times when buyers are available. Those times are daily from 9:00 AM to approximately 8:00 PM.


(A) A home seller cannot wait around hoping a buyer will discover his/her home and purchase it. Buyers must be aggressively sought through an efficient and effective marketing plan.

(B) Maximizing a home's exposure requires that a financial investment be made in quality marketing tools and systems.

(C) A step-by-step, organized, effective marketing plan, one that has proven itself to be the successful, must be implemented to maximize a home's exposure.

(D) The person who is marketing a home must know the real estate business! This knowledge comes from both formal real estate education and from hands-on experience.

(E) A home should be marketed with specific goals in mind. These goals should include getting the best possible price, in the shortest amount of time. It should be marketed with the fewest possible inconveniences to the homeowner.

(F) To maximize value and minimize inconveniences, a home seller must access 100%+ of the available Buyer Pool. Buyers must be attracted from as many sources as possible.

The Davidson Team's goal is to have you be amazed with the quality of my services. You have our personal guarantee that you will never find a more complete and satisfying real estate experience anywhere in the world. Your satisfaction is our only purpose.

If you would like a more thorough presentation of Home Selling Strategies, or if you would like to know the value of a property you own, please call us for an appointment. We would be happy to provide you with a no-cost, no-obligation professional property evaluation.

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