There is a direct correlation between the number of "lookers" a For Sale home attracts and its final selling price. More potential buyers viewing a home result in a larger net proceeds check for the seller.
If you are thinking of selling a home, to maximize your profits, list it with a real estate agent that has the ability to attract a large number of buyers. How do you know if an agent is a "buyer magnet?" One factor is the agent's sphere of influence; do they have a large database of past clients and prospective clients that they regularily stay in contact with? Another is an agent's marketing strategy. And there are many more...BUT in today's real estate world, the Internet plays a very pivotol role...and unfortunatley there are agents that currently are not utilizing this amazing tool for the benefit of their clients.
In the most recent studies from the National Association of Realtors, over 80% of all potential buyers begin their home search on the Internet. Websites, pay per click marketing, search engine optimization, blogs (to name a few) are quickly becoming the most powerful tools and channels an agent has for finding buyers.
When interviewing a listing agent, ask him/her to show you examples of his/her websites. Is the website well placed in the major search engines, is the site attractive in its presentation, is it easy for the customer to use, does it offer enough information to hold the customers interest and does it gather sufficient consumer information to allow the agent to follow-up?
Additionally, ask the agent to view a copy of their Marketing Plan ( A Realtor may be using the Internet, but are they doing it in a effective and holistic manner, complimenting all marketing channels, branding strategies...and ultimately working in the best interest of the home seller?!?!
Find an agent who does these things and you are one step closer to maximizing your net profits
Have an outstanding week,
The Davidson Team - Blaine & Erin Davidson
Phone: 509-293-2214
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