4 Effective Ways to Make a Move Go Smoothly with Children

Moving is considered one of the top five causes of stress. How you handle your children during and after the sale of your home can alleviate some of their stress and therefore yours.

Here are some 4 tips from the experts to make this a smooth transition:

1. A child should be told about an upcoming move only after you’ve decided to make it. Discussing the possibility before making the decision only causes unnecessary anxiety.

2. Keep children involved in their favorite activities, such as sports, academic clubs or the arts, before the move actually occurs. Children can do the research on the Internet to find out about events, teams and other interesting facts about their new area.

3. Another way to help children adjust to a new environment is to help them become familiar with the area before the move occurs. Take a vacation, or short trip to the area so it is more familiar when you actually do move.

4. One of the most overlooked tips is to have children stay with relatives or friends during the actual packing and loading. Most children don’t do well seeing their possessions packed into boxes and taken away.

Please call or send us an email for additional moving tips.

Happy Holidays!

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