Organizing Tips to Remove Closet Clutter

Do you still have that horrid sweater your aunt gave you five years ago or ten pairs of old shoes that you can’t bring yourself to throw away because you might wear them again someday?

If you’re the kind of person who has a hard time throwing things away, cleaning out your closets regularly will save you time and energy and keep you from feeling overwhelmed by the task. Here are some tips to help you organize and unclutter your closet:

* Get rid of any clothes you haven’t worn in over a year.

* Store out-of-season clothes in a different location.

* Try on the clothes you can’t seem to get rid of - it will help you to make a decision.

* Buy good-quality clothes hangers: wire hangers don’t provide good support and will leave marks on your clothes.

* Wear a different pair of shoes every day. Shoes worn every day break down and wear out much more quickly.

* Hang clothes by style (i.e., shirts, suits, pants) or by color.

* If space permits, add a separate bar for shirts and pants.

When you do this regularly you'll find you really don’t need some of the clothing you thought you did. And you’ll actually wear and enjoy the clothes you do have.

If you’d like more information on getting rid of clutter in your home, please call or send us an email.

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