Receive The Davidson Team's Monthly Newsletter

Receive our monthly newsletters and stay up-to-date on local real estate.

As real estate professionals, we're often asked, "How's the market?" To answer that question, we send a regular e-newsletter that provides housing market trends and helpful homeowner tips.

We share this newsletter with clients, friends and neighbors in the area, and they enjoy it so much we wanted to share it with you as well. Whether you own a home, are looking to buy, or are thinking about making a move, this newsletter simplifies your life with:

· Info on how real estate trends affect the market
· Seasonal tips for maintaining a home's comfort and value
· Room additions that add to the experience (and resale value) of a home
· How-to's on makeovers-tools, wall coverings, furniture, and the results
· Latest ideas on how backyards, gardens, decks, and porches are becoming the hottest new living spaces
· And much more!

The newsletter comes monthly, which gives just enough breathing room between issues so you start looking forward to receiving the next one. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter, simply email us at

Additionally, if you're selling your home in North Central Washington, check out our Free Over-The-Net Home Valuation service:

And if you're buying, don't miss out on our Exclusive Buyer System, where you beat out other buyers on hot new homes and properties right when they come on the market:

Have a wonderful weekend!


The Davidson Team - Blaine & Erin Davidson
Phone: 509-293-2214

P.S. Please know that we are the only people who will be using your email address. We do not share your information with anyone!

1 comment:

Elmo said...

The real estate business is like an elevator, it has its ups and downs !!
This is an excellent real estate blog. Many people do not realize the importance solid fundamentals and principles in the area of this business. Please keep working on your site and blog because good real estate info like this is hard to find.

God Bless,
Real Estate Professional